The Daylighting Society

Project Overviews

The Daylighting Society works on a number of apps, frameworks, and research projects. These endeavors are intended for a variety of audiences, from the general public to other developers to academic researchers. An overview of each active project is below.

Citizen Tools

Where are the Eyes

Global Map of Physical Surveillance

Where are the Eyes is a program for detecting and mapping surveillance cameras. It reveals locations of heavy and light surveillance, allowing the public to protect their privacy, and activists to schedule events based on available surveillance.

Website Code


Microphone Jammer

SpeakFree is a tool for jamming audio recording of conversations, and helping users keep their privacy in the physical world.

Website Code


Anonymous File-Hosting Tool

TorHost allows users to trivially share files over the Tor anonymity network. This program is a minimalist alternative to OnionShare.


DeadManSwitch (Early Development)

Email Dead-Man's Switch

When journalists, activists, or other human citizens attend protests they run a risk of being arrested or injured. This tool allows them to set an alarm, and notify friends, family, lawyers, or coworkers if they do not return home on time.


Tempest Shield (Pending Development)

Cloaks EM Emissions from CPU

Tempest Shield attempts to make your computer's EM signature as unreadable as possible, by running random cryptographic operations during important events.


Developer Libraries and Frameworks


Homomorphic Cryptography Library

The Paillier Cryptosystem is an unusual type of cryptography that allows messages to be added together while encrypted, and can verify that a message comes from an acceptable set without decrypting it.

Website Code


Twitter Mapping Framework

SocMap is a tool for easily extracting maps of Twitter communities. We use this technology to distinguish social organizations from "false-flag" accounts built to discredit legitimate movements.

Website Code